Explore what you were brave enough to say under last month’s full moon in Leo.

Connection & Disconnection
Existential Reflection
Societal Frustrations

I really want to say that I'm mad. It feels like a brave thing to say when you're upset. Anger is one of those emotions I didn't feel entitled to when I was younger. I felt like I wasn't allowed to get angry or to express my frustrations. But I'm working on it. I'm slowly making more contact with my anger these days. It's a big thing when I feel like I can tell you I'm upset about what happened because it means I get to use my voice and I feel secure enough to know that we can work it out. I get to say how things are affecting me and that is a brave thing. I didn't always feel that brave, but I'm working on it. I think in the past I was afraid that if I told people that I was upset, they might become upset with me and eventually leave me, so I stuffed it all down. But now I try to separate the action from the person so that I can be upset with what they did and how it affected me but know that I still care about the person. That feels like growth to me. And I'm happy that I can finally get mad.

I really want to say that I am trying my best. Sometimes it seems like it’s not enough and sometimes it’s really hard to take action and really easy to ignore it. Action sometimes brings conflict that is uncomfortable for a bit but ignoring it in the long run will not fix the issue.

I miss you. I am you. I'm sorry. You inspire me. I'm scared. You're doing really, really great. Leave him. Kiss me. Please, one minute of space. Pay me. I am exhausted. It's a lot. What in the hell. I miss carbs. Let's run. You're adorable. I love you.

I’m done with everyone telling me that at least she’s not suffering anymore


Good taste is overrated.

Stop settling for less. Stored wisdom from your ancestors and your own lived experience make you strong and worthy. You didn't come all this way just to give up now.

At the close of days? Nothing but old life straining against time, yearning for itself.


Has anything been saved?

The earth?

The grubs and crawly things

Beneath the soil?

Beasts are burdened with forgetting

They walk a red road between

The frosted ears of sorrow.

What will remain

At the close of days?

Nothing but old life

Straining against time

Yearning for itself

Nothing but me,


And you who have forgotten how to care.

I just want to disappear into nothingness

I want to be dominated. I want to allow, to receive. I want to give way and let someone else take over. I want to be desired so much I am the only option. I want to release the masculine energy that keeps me safe and allow the feminine to take over. I want to let you do what you want with me. You can have me, just please please keep me safe. Let me be. Take over.

I am strong enough to face this world and make decisions on my own.


I want others to help themselves and find their own power to shift their mindset towards positivity. We have to choose to flip the script for ourselves, no one else can do it for us. The excuses are tired. But I remain hopeful, as I let it be.

I wish everyone would just simply EAT LESS MEAT. And practice more gratitude…even just 0.00048%

My mother and I are a snake eating its tail. She tells me to not marry him yet, but I know it's because she sees herself in her 20s, her 40s, her 60s. Thrice divorced. And I am a deer leaping into oncoming traffic, telling myself that I WILL MAKE IT, I WILL BE DIFFERENT, I WILL NOT BE LIKE THE ONES BEFORE ME, their carcasses discarded on the side of the road, hopes of reaching verdant fields destroyed by a man at the wheel. Under this moon, I am brave, and I perceive the headlights for stars.

I am fierce, I am a mama bear, I am capable.


I sometimes think I orbit my friends, showing them one face in many phases. The distance between us has existed for so long that it feels like a fact of nature when, as a fact of nature, we are made up of the same stuff. Just like the moon and the earth, we’ve been pulled apart by forces out of our control but remain connected on the threads of gravity.

Sometimes I’m happy for the distance, to be thought of in the wee hours, seen at night when I’m at my best. There's a safety and sanctity in all that space. I can drop beneath the horizon and spend the day spinning out to no one else’s bother but my own.

Then there’s the side of me that never sees the light of day. Kept in the dark as though you couldn’t already see my pock-marks. I’m not ashamed of the dark side and neither is the moon. There’s no badness to it, it’s just hidden, by nature of what it is, but the moon can’t turn itself into the light and show us. It’s tidally locked, just as I am.

It’s in those moments, where I feel as though I’m in orbit, I have to remember that I’m a human being. I’m not four-hundred-thousand Kilometers away. Gravity doesn’t keep me away from my friends, it keeps them close. I’ve just got to reach out. Leave the man in the moon to his cheese.

You are allowed to take up space. You don't have to earn love. You can take risks and put yourself out there without fear of failure because taking the chance is a win all on its own.

There aren’t enough males who understand how to relate to women.


I have noticed a confident energy in myself over the last few days. Confidently questioning co-workers and standing up for myself, and it has all been in my favour. I realized confidence is not something to be feared because if you have it, it is for a reason and you should follow that baby!

I am enough. I am kind, patient, loving, fun and helpful. I am good at what I do. To all the bitches who think not I will ignore with a smile and laugh inside that they don’t know my true self.

Let me be. Take over.


I kept
your lies inside me.
With thanks to
the moon
the wind
the clouds
the tides:
they spill out, from open mouth
like bitter rains.
Or, should I say
A torrent
Wild grief cold-running like
a river.
What does water know
at its centre?
Only to flow
Or, one could say
to move.
Which is also
a form of truth.
One could think of this act in a way, as the
kindest thing
it can
offer you.

My mother and I are a snake eating its tail.


Listening can’t be passive. We’re told to listen to our gut. But how do we actually learn to do that? What does that look like? What does that feel like? I think the only way to learn it is by not doing it and realizing the consequences of it, vowing to do it differently. But then what does that look like. It’s not that easy to just do it differently. Especially if there’s risk involved like letting someone else down, making someone else angry. I learned that others are more important than myself. To let myself down, to make myself angry as long as everyone else isn’t. I learned to not listen to myself when difficult action with risk was needed. I learned to listen intently to others. My bravery will come as I’m learning to actively listen to my own needs, my own gut, my own self. The little girl inside of me is looking to me to be brave. I’m scared and I’m doing it anyway.

I am strong enough to face this world and make decisions on my own. I am fierce, I am a mama bear, I am capable.

Life is hard.
Your challenge is akin to any other.
Seek not to validate your trauma,
Above that of others.
Find comfort in your individual,
Yet shared,

I’m reimagining some things…

My bravery will come as I’m learning to actively listen to my own needs, my own gut, my own self.


A prayer in dangerous times

Astounding connections bind
We who came out of the universe
an aggregation of atoms
Rearranged, happily —temporarily —
into humans.

We are endless forms most beautiful,
mere marionettes of the accidental
Each attempting to find some dignity in our loneliness.

Terrible things happen on this brief sojourn, indefensible things, unutterable
except by brazen poets who rewrite our insane tribulations as supreme acts of love.

Cold comfort, ink, philosophy
when it is blood or retribution we desire.

Cruelty is the ordinary way of most,
Though often unwitting.
Pity and loathing hinders our sight lines
dark and luminous, first fluid then hardened,
eyes of Igneous rock
quick to judge.

Gentle my seeing, blur this unspooling understanding
that I might continue, complete the course.
Create in me space,
enough to invite intimacy,
behold beauty,
believe in goodness when it seems fled.

Trump is a fricking dick. There aren’t enough males who understand how to relate to women. I miss my sister and I’m done with everyone telling me that at least she’s not suffering anymore



This full moon in Virgo is also a Lunar Eclipse, which adds tension to our feelings. This lunation wants us to release our self-judgment and embrace the messy journey.