Would you feel less alone?


Would you feel less alone?


Would you feel less alone?


Would you feel less alone? * Would you feel less alone? * Would you feel less alone? *

solid khaki color background
solid orange color filled rectangle
green rectangular shape tilted

What if you could read
someone else’s journal?

solid blue colored image
solid pink color background

Anonymously share your thoughts and we’ll let you in on everyone else’s.


  1. A journal prompt will be delivered to your inbox on every full moon based on the themes of that lunation.

  2. Share your thoughts at any length via a form fill, completely anonymously.

  3. We’ll compile all submissions into a visual showcase of the group’s themes and feelings.

  4. You’ll receive the visualization of last month’s prompt along with your next one when the moon is full again. 12 moons, 12 prompts.


  • My bravery will come as I’m learning to actively listen to my own needs, my own gut, my own self.

  • I really want to say that I am trying my best. Sometimes it seems like it’s not enough and sometimes it’s really hard to take action and really easy to ignore it.

  • Good taste is overrated.

  • I miss you. I am you. I'm sorry. You inspire me. I'm scared. You're doing really, really great. Leave him. Kiss me. Please, one minute of space.

  • At the close of days? Nothing but old life straining against time, yearning for itself.

  • I want to let you do what you want with me. You can have me, just please please keep me safe. Let me be. Take over.

  • I really want to say that I'm mad. It feels like a brave thing to say when you're upset.



This full moon in Virgo is also a Lunar Eclipse, which adds tension to our feelings. This lunation wants us to release our self-judgment and embrace the messy journey.

Begin reflecting every full moon.

Get to really know thyself and thy neighbour

Why do we reflect on the full moon?

We reflect and journal on a full moon because we’re in the perfect mental state to do so during this time. The moonlight acts as a floodlight on your thoughts: we can see them more clearly. Think of these moon phases and placements not as a prediction of what you will feel, but as themes you can work with.